Saturday, January 23, 2010

Two Men Will Move You What Do You Think This Dream Means? Involved Two Men I'm Dating...?

What do you think this dream means? Involved two men I'm dating...? - two men will move you

I had a dream last night, and they were moving my parents. It was a house he had ever seen. So my sister was helping out there, and we are waitng for men to move to ... Two men came in motion, and one of them was a former colleague of mine. An older man, you had moved things, and my mother the trunk of my car shopping .. In general, do not always provide something for me. As my mother and I were sitting on a staircase. The sun beat down on us and asks me, "marry So if you? And he laughed and said that the kind of mother? Justin or David? and then I told him what David brings a wealth of films and such, and I always called little stupid name "Poindexter" suddenly into the sky, that my mother and I see this kind of parachute (rare), c 'is like tremors, and so, perhaps jumping out of an airplane, I have no idea who was curious. He seemed worried. I told my mother that I no longer see. Then I woke up. What the hell was this dream that I have said?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps your subconscious is telling you that is David, but charming, the kind of person the bail "out."

Anonymous said...

Your uu say they are struggling to make a decision in life, and that U waiting for something to come, u, u, but not really know what it is. And remember to talk, ur dreams are here to help, U, U should be forever. Take this quiz: ...

In fact, construction and thoroughly GIVS or responses.

if u need to talk more, feel free to send a message

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps your subconscious is telling you that is David, but charming, the kind of person the bail "out."

Anonymous said...

Your Angel said bad GAY

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